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Come accedere alla Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare


Gli studenti di lingua e formazione italiane trovano una sommaria presentazione del corso al sito

presso il quale sono disponibili anche informazioni sui requisiti di ammissione, sulla valutazione del corso da parte degli studenti e dei laureandi, sul piano di studio e sulle prospettive occupazionali.


I laureati in Ingegneria Industriale presso qualunque Ateneo generalmente soddisfano i requisiti curriculari necessari per l'ammissione alla Laurea in Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare. Per quanto riguarda l'Ateneo Pisano, l'accesso senza compensazione è possibile dalle lauree in Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Ingegneria Chimica, Inegneria dell'Energia e Ingegneria Meccanica.


Presso l'Ateneo Pisano è stato comunque costituito un Curriculum Nucleare nella laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica (si veda al sito

Il Curriculum Nucleare nella Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica dell'Universitò di Pisa ha lo scopo di fornire alcune competenze del settore nucleare utili per il prosieguo degli studi nella Laurea Magistrale, ma non è strettamente necessario per l'ammissione. Esso comprende i seguenti corsi, in sostituzione di corrispondenti corsi del Curriculum Meccanico:


·       al terzo anno:





Le altre materie sono le stesse del corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica. 

Nella laurea in Ingegneria dell'Energia dell'Università di Pisa ( è invece disponibile un corso a scelta di Principi di Ingegneria Nucleare (6 CFU) che anticipa alcune conoscenze nel settore nucleare.

E' comunque necessario ribadire che questi percorsi particolari non sono strettamente necessari per accedere alla Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare, che è stata concepita come autonoma dal percorso precedente, purché contenente un numero sufficiente di crediti di materie di base ed applicate.



I laureati in Fisica possono accedere alla Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare sostenendo due esami a scelta recentemente attivati al terzo anno della laurea in Fisica dell'Ateneo Pisano, riguardanti Principi Termici e Meccanici dell'Ingegneria Nucleare (in due moduli da 6 CFU ciascuno o, nella versione più recente, in due esami separati da 6 CFU).

In alternativa, i gli esami dei due moduli possono essere sostenuti dopo l'ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare, come esami a scelta di un percorso di studio personalizzato.

Eng Flag


Name of the Programme

Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare

Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering

Director of the Programme

Prof. Nicola Forgione

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Brief presentation

The Master of Science programme in Nuclear Engineering is based on the long tradition in teaching Nuclear Engineering at the University of Pisa, started in 1960. The study matters cover all the important areas necessary for acquiring high-level competences in the field, including Reactor Physics, Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Structural Mechanics, Radiation Measurement and Health Effects, Nuclear Reactor Power Plant Technology, Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Reactor Control and Operation, Nuclear Reactor Safety and Reliability.

Containing the basic matters required for a sound education in Nuclear Engineering, the MSc programme already granted to many of its past-students the possibility to obtain the certification of European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (EMSNE). This is the certification released by the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) to Nuclear Engineers with a good background, who also fulfilled minimum requirements of mobility for courses or thesis work at European organisations belonging to the Association (

Programme Overview

The study programme is structured into two years of 60 ECTS credits each, including the final thesis work.

In addition, a sentence has been added to the Regulations in order to accept personalised curricula that could result also from exchanges with foreign Universities, also within ENEN and FuseNet: we will be better flexible !!!

At the moment the course is fully offered in English language, but just a minimum knowledge of Italian language is requested to attend the lectures of few side examinations, whenever required, since the basic jargon of the matters is in English. The tight network of international contacts of the teachers in the course allows performing part of the thesis work in cooperation with or at renowned institutions in Italy and abroad.

For the Academic Year 2012-2013 the previously existing Laurea (3 year BSc) in nuclear engineering matters is substituted by a specific “Nuclear Path” activated within the BSc in Mechanical Engineering.

An updated list of the courses can be found at:

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar defines the periods of lectures, examinations and vacations for all of the Engineering courses offered at the University of Pisa. All Engineering courses are taught over two semesters. Yearly courses are mostly taught in two parts or modules, with possible intermediate exams, held during the period between lectures.

Lecture Periods:

  • Fall Semester: End of September → Mid December;
  • Spring Semester: End of February → End of May.


  • sessions in January and February;
  • sessions in June and July;
  • sessions in September.

Professional perspectives

Nuclear Engineers graduated at the University of Pisa have found employment in Italy and abroad in the nuclear field and in conventional industry. The broad education in engineering matters and the specific skills in the nuclear field provide a flexible and targeted background that can be used for nuclear energy applications as well as for other major industrial endeavours. The research and development fields also absorb a considerable share of our graduates.

Nuclear Studies can be also continued at the University of Pisa in the Research Doctorate Programme in Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety, obtaining higher qualifications to be spent in the research field.

A short gallery of our “testimonials”, i.e. past students now working in Italy and abroad, can be found at the website:


The section for foreign students of the portal “Matricolandosi”, to be found at the web site,

reports detailed information to enrol in the University of Pisa courses for both EU and non-EU citizens. More specific information can be obtained by sending e-mail messages at the address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Requirements for Admission

In order to be enrolled in the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Nucleare, it is necessary to be in possession of a first level university degree obtained after three years of study in Italy or of another equivalent first level title obtained in other Countries that can be recognized as adequate. The Candidate must present the application attaching at least the former degree certification (or an equivalent document) and the programs of the successfully passed examinations. Both curricular (i.e., past study career) and personal preparation requirements will be checked by the degree course organisms, through an Evaluation Committee (CIV) having the tasks to examine the admission applications, to evaluate the curricula of candidates, to check the possession of the curricular and personal requirements, then making proposals for the admission or for compensation of possible educational lacks.

In short, the candidate should have passed sufficient university level prior examinations in mathematics, physics, chemistry, thermo-dynamics, thermal machines, mechanical drawing, continuum mechanics and machine design. A list of necessary courses passed is the following:

  • Mathematics (MATH, at least 4 semesters)
  • Physics (PHYS, at least 2 semesters)
  • Chemistry (CHEM, at least 1 semester)
  • Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Energy systems (THE, at least 1 semester)
  • Strength of materials, mechanical drawing, mechanical design and production (MECH, at least 2 semesters)

A reasonable knowledge of the English language is also requested (level B1 or equivalent).

The Evaluation Committee can decide to directly enroll the student on the basis of the presented documentation or to ask for an admission interview, indicating the program on which the student will be interviewed. The objective of this possible phase of the enrolment procedure is to ascertain that the student has enough background to be safely enrolled in the MSc studies.

Students having a Laurea in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pisa who followed the above mentioned specific “nuclear path” will be particularly well accepted in the MSc course. Therefore, the path through Mechanical Engineering in Pisa constitutes one of the possible ways to achieve from the very beginning the good background necessary to enrol in the MSc courses in Nuclear Engineering.

Deadlines for application

For application deadlines, please follow the information reported for each academic year at the website:

Websites and contacts

For receiving information, send e-mail messages to:

  • Prof. Nicola Forgione: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • the contact of the YouNuclear webpage: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • the Department Coordination Point: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Visit the webpages:


A final message to summarise our spirit

Studying Nuclear Engineering allows undertaking a wonderful cultural experience, aiming to contribute in designing the energy mix of the future. Nuclear energy is relatively young in the history of civilization and has a great development potential. Learning how to use it in the best ways is the commitment of those who wish to give the world an additional chance to reach a fully sustainable development.

In this commitment to progress towards a better world, we recognize that:

“It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom”

(Albert Einstein)